Customs bond
Customs Bond A customs bond is a contract between CBP, an importer, and a surety company which guarantee that the importer...
Delivery time, transit time
When asked how long it will take to ship a container from Shenzhen to Los Angeles, your forwarder would probably answer 14 days. 14 days,...
What is telex release
You may have heard the term Telex Release several times in your day to day work especially in container shipping.. Let me explain what a...
AMS - Automated Manifest System
What is AMS? AMS is short for Automated Manifest System, designed by U.S. Customs to facilitate cargo arrival...
The 10 major ports of Latin America
The 10 major ports of Latin America The 10 most important ports for storage capacity, transshipment and infrastructure make Latin...
Certificate of Origin
Certificate of Origin (often abbreviated to C/O, COO or CoO) A document used in international trade, in a printed form or as an electronic...
POA (Power of Attorney) POA Stands for Power of Attorney. Signing a POA is the first step to process shipping to the United...
The purpose of incoterms is to provide a set of international rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade term in foreign trade....
ISF (Importer Security Filing) ISF is composed of 10 data elements which are required to be sent to US Customs on all...
HS CODE(HTS CODE in the United States)
Definition The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, also known as the Harmonized System (HS) of tariff nomenclature is an...